To Moscow My Love…Oh, You Left


I always felt inspired by the beauty that surrounds Moscow.

My eyes cast up as the wind circles and the frigid air snares my breath. Snow flakes drift down from  the darkening sky and for a moment, the child in me tilts back her head. The pure snow melts on the warmth of my tongue as childlike hopes slip down into my heart. The song of the whistle brings me back as I rush to get on the train. Unanswered questions course through the tunnels of my mind as I prepare for the next part. My dreams chase me in the daylight now.

Aboard the train I pull my coat closer as to divide myself from the others. It feels as if all eyes are on me and for a moment I think I hear his laugh. Just as quickly as it reaches my ears it vanishes like smoke. Across from me a couple holds hands and the man moves like a peacock trying to keep his mate’s attention. The eyes don’t always listen to the heart and the mind picks what is colorful instead of what is true. All I knew was my love left…

putting on my scales
tough like an alligator
shielding a frail heart


Written for Carpe Diem and tonight we are in Moscow boarding a train it seems.
I noticed one of my favorite writers, did a haibun so I followed the lead.
I do love haibun 🙂

Oh…and yes…still inspired from the dream of turtles and an alligator

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